Recovery: How soon can I do core exercises after Tummy Tuck?

Core exercises after Tummy Tuck?


Many patients are excited about their new abdominal shape and want start doing core exercises such as sit ups.  We understand the excitement.  We also admire the eagerness to keep up your new investment of getting a tummy tuck.  However caution is key in the first few weeks.

How soon after a Tummy Tuck can one do sit ups?

Sit-Ups 3

6 weeks in our general answer for sit ups or any other core exercises.  We don’t want patients to do core exercises too early because sutures from the tummy tuck procedure can become disrupted.

More Links regarding Recovery After a Tummy Tuck:


Please talk to your plastic surgeon in person.  Our limitations is for our patients in Modesto, CA.  However each person is an individual and there are variables in surgery that might affect this recovery time.  More information about Dr. Tammy Wu, Modesto Plastic Surgeon.

Dr. Tammy Wu & Dr. Calvin Lee.   Surgical Artistry, Modesto, CA. (209) 551-1888

Dr. Tammy Wu & Dr. Calvin Lee.
Surgical Artistry, Modesto, CA.
(209) 551-1888

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About Calvin Lee, MD

I'm a board certified general surgeon who is married to a board certified plastic surgeon (Dr. T. Tammy Wu). Together, we founded Surgical Artistry in 2006 in Modesto, CA. I arrived in Modesto in 2003 and originally worked as a general and trauma surgeon. I now have a practice focused on Acupuncture, Botox, Fillers, and Veins. My wife's practice is broad based plastic surgery which includes Tummy Tuck, Breast Augmentation, Breast Lift, Liposuction, Cosmetic Eye Lid and Eye Brow Surgeries, Face Lift, Neck Lift, etc. I was originally from New York. New York City in fact. I went to College at Brown University. Then I continued there for Medical School for a total of 8 years. I did the initial portion of my surgery residency at Case Western Reserve then continued on at Southern Illinois University where I was able to join my wife in her first choice plastic surgery program. My office telephone number is (209) 551-1888 if you want an appointment. Disclaimer: Please see your physician in person for specific medical advice, this webpage is intended for information, not advice directed towards you.